Maximising Range in Hot Weather: Energy Management Tips

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Maximising Range in Hot Weather: Energy Management Tips

With world temperatures on the rise, finding ways to manage your electric car’s range is becoming increasingly vital. It’s no secret that high temperatures significantly impact a vehicle’s range; if you’re looking to make the most of yours, read on for tips on maximising range in hot weather.

1.Park in the Shade

Wherever possible, try and park your vehicle in the shade. When in direct sunlight, EVs are likely to expend more energy trying to keep cool – by parking in the shade, you can easily spare yourself some precious range. If you’re storing your vehicle for a length of time in hot weather, try and find a shaded spot in a garage or a covered location.

2. Use Supportive Technology

Thanks to the proliferation of smart car technology, you can easily avoid wasting energy due to overcooling. Today’s electric vehicles come with pre-cooling and pre-heating features, allowing you to warm or cool your vehicle before you set off. This way, you can avoid losing energy trying to cool an already hot interior.

3.Choose Your Route Wisely

Factors like wind direction, elevation, and speed can all have a serious impact on your range if you’re not careful. If you know that your chosen route includes steep inclines, tight turns, or long stretches of open road, make sure you plan ahead to ensure you’re keeping your energy output to a minimum.

4.Keep the Cabin Cool

When travelling long distances it’s important to keep your cabin comfortable and cool to conserve battery power and maintain your range. Experiment with different techniques to find a balance that works for you – for example, you could try opening one window to maintain air flow and minimising direct sunlight with window shades or blankets.

5.Keep Your Battery Charged

As with any electric vehicle, it’s important to keep your battery charged to maximise range. Heat can reduce a battery’s ability to charge, so try and keep your battery topped up during hot weather. If you don’t have access to a charging point, simply avoiding leaving the battery depleted by driving shorter distances can help retain its full potential.

6. Avoid Prolonged Idling

We generally think of idling as a harmless action, however it’s important to remember that prolonged idling isn’t ideal when temperatures are high. Electric cars rely on battery power to run, so the more time spent idling means more energy being expended. Keep your trips short and avoid running your car when not in use.

7. Drive Efficiently

Driving slower is one of the most effective methods of conserving energy on hot days. Minimise your use of the brakes and try accelerating moderately rather than aggressively from a stop – this way, you can keep your energy output to a minimum.

8. Limit Your Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is another energy-intensive activity that quickly uses up your electric car’s range if used for extended periods of time. If you’re looking to maximise your range, limit your air-conditioning use as much as possible – open your windows and use other cooling techniques to keep your cabin comfortable.

9. Take Advantage of Eco-Blast

Eco-Blast helps bring the temperatures in your car to a comfortable level in a short time by pushing warm air outside and bringing in the cool air. Ind duct increases the efficiency of the cooling process, producing better results in a shorter time.

10. Get Your Car Serviced Regularly

It’s important to remember that regular car servicing will help maintain a healthy range. Leading electric vehicle manufacturers promote timely brake fluid changes, coolant checks, and battery health checks – all of which play a huge role in your car’s performance.


These are some of the best practices for maximising range in hot weather and energy management tips. By taking the necessary steps to reduce your energy output, it’s possible to maintain and even increase the range of your electric car. Remember, taking the time to think about your energy expenditure can really pay dividends – so think twice before pressing the accelerator.
Maximising Range in Hot Weather: Energy Management Tips

What are the best ways to reduce energy consumption in hot weather?

1. Increase Natural Ventilation: Utilize natural ventilation and fresh air instead of air conditioning to cool off during hot weather. Open windows and use fans and heavy curtains in areas that get direct sunlight to get the best air flow.

2. Plant Shade Trees: Plant trees around your house to reduce the amount of heat entering your living space. Trees also reduce the amount of pollution and provide more oxygen.

3. Use Energy Efficient Appliances: Swap out your older appliances with more efficient ones such as ENERGY STAR-certified refrigerators and air conditioners. Look for appliances with the highest energy efficiency ratings.

4. Close Windows and Seal Gaps: During the day when the sun is out, make sure to close windows and seal any air leaks. Sealing up leaks in doors and windows can help prevent hot air from entering your home.

5. Reduce Hot-Water Use: Reduce the amount of hot water being used, especially for showers. Install a low-flow shower head and reduce the water temperature to about 120 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

6. Insulate Your Home: Keep your home from overheating by insulating it properly. This helps to trap cool air in during the day and prevent warmth from entering at night.

7. Install Automated Thermostats: Automated or programmable thermostats are a great way to save energy in hot weather. Set them for an appropriate temperature and schedule to save energy while keeping your home cool.

What are some tips to reduce air conditioning usage in hot weather?

1. Seal any air leaks around windows and doors.

2. Install window coverings like shades, curtains, or blinds.

3. Utilize a programmable thermostat to help regulate the temperature in your home.

4. Set your thermostat to a higher temperature.

5. Limit the use of your kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans.

6. Keep windows and doors closed when air conditioning is running.

7. Improve your home’s insulation.

8. Change air filters regularly.

9. Install ceiling fans to help circulate air in your home.

10. Use alternative cooling methods, such as swamp coolers, box fans, and plug-in air circulators.

What are some alternatives to air conditioning for cooling a room in hot weather?

1. Fans: Ceiling fans, portable fans, or even floor fans are excellent alternatives to air conditioning systems and they consume less energy.

2. Install Insulated Blinds or Curtains: Install insulated blinds or curtains on windows to help keep the sun’s heat out of the room.

3. Plant Trees and Shrubs: Plant trees and shrubs on the sunny side of the house. This will help keep the room cool by blocking the sun’s heat.

4. Install Radiant Barriers: Installing radiant barriers in the attic of your home can help stop the hot air from entering the living area.

5. Utilize Cross Ventilation: Open windows on opposite walls to let cool breezes in and hot air out.

6. Use Ice Packs in Bed: During the night, place ice packs in your bed to help cool it off.

7. Choose Cotton Clothes: Wear light-colored, natural-fiber clothes like cotton to stay cool.