DIY Guide: Maximising Energy Efficiency in Your Electric Car

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DIY Guide: Maximising Energy Efficiency in Your Electric Car

Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular as the market for traditional gasoline cars diminishes. Many car owners want to switch to electric cars because of their environmental benefits. However, there are a few downfalls that come with owning an electric car. One of the main drawbacks is their relatively low energy efficiency. Fortunately, there are some simple DIY tips that you can use to maximise your car’s energy efficiency.

What is Energy Efficiency?

Energy efficiency simply means using as little energy as possible to do a particular job. In other words, it refers to how much energy is wasted as a result of a particular action. When it comes to electric cars, energy efficiency is important because it determines how much electricity is being wasted when driving your car.

Why Should You Maximise Your Electric Car’s Energy Efficiency?

If you want to save money and have a greener lifestyle, it’s important to maximise the energy efficiency of your electric car. Doing so will ensure that you’re using the least amount of electricity possible, which will lower your electric bills and be better for the environment.

DIY Tips for Maximising Energy Efficiency in Your Electric Car

Here are a few easy DIY tips for maximising your electric car’s energy efficiency:

1. Use Eco Mode

Most electric cars come with an “Eco” mode that limits the usage of power and reduces the amount of energy required to drive. Utilising this mode will help to reduce your electricity bills and increase the car’s overall energy efficiency.

2. Check Your Tyres

Under-inflated tyres can drastically reduce the energy efficiency of your electric car because they increase its rolling resistance. You can easily check your tyres’ pressure with a tyre gauge and make sure that they’re inflated to the manufacturer’s specification.

3. Avoid Sharp Acceleration and Braking

Sharp braking and acceleration can significantly reduce your car’s energy efficiency, so it’s important to be mindful of your driving habits. Aim to accelerate slowly and brake gently to get the most out of your electric car.

4. Minimise Your Weight Load

Weight is the enemy of energy efficiency. The heavier your car is, the more electricity it will require to drive. Therefore, it’s important to minimize the weight inside your car by avoiding carrying unnecessary items.

5. Reduce Air Conditioning Usage

Air conditioning uses a lot of power to cool the car’s interior, and it’s easy to forget just how much energy this process requires. When possible, try to leave your windows open and adjust the airflow within your car instead of relying on the air conditioning.

6. Utilise Regenerative Braking

Many electric cars come with an intelligent braking system known as “regenerative braking” which helps to preserve energy. Essentially, regenerative braking works by converting the car’s kinetic energy into electricity when it slows down, meaning that less energy is wasted and your car’s battery life can be extended.

7. Keep Your Battery Pack Cool

Heat is a major enemy of electric car batteries, as it reduces the energy efficiency of the battery cells. It’s important to make sure that your car’s battery pack is kept cool at all times and never exposed to temperatures above 30C.

8. Avoid Short Trips

If possible, try to avoid taking short trips in your electric car. This is because each time you start the engine, it takes energy to get it up to speed. This energy is wasted when you’re only driving for a few minutes. So, plan your journeys and try to group together several short trips into one longer journey.

9. Plan Ahead

When it comes to maximising your electric car’s energy efficiency, planning ahead is essential. Knowing your route in advance will help you to avoid traffic jams and unnecessary detours, meaning that you’ll use less energy.

10. Monitor Your Battery’s Performance Regularly

Finally, it’s important to monitor your electric car’s battery performance regularly. Doing so will allow you to identify any potential problems early and take action to address them. This can prevent unnecessary energy loss and extend your car’s battery life.


Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular, but they can require a lot of electricity to run. Fortunately, energy efficiency can be improved if you follow the tips outlined in this DIY guide. Maximising your electric car’s efficiency will allow you to save money and reduce your environmental impact.

What are the most efficient electric car models?

1. Tesla Model 3

2. Nissan Leaf

3. Chevrolet Bolt EV

4. Hyundai Kona Electric

5. BMW i3 Electric

6. Volkswagen e-Golf

7. Kia Soul EV

8. Hyundai Ioniq Electric

9. Ford Focus Electric

10. Audi E-Tron

What is the most affordable electric car?

The most affordable electric car currently available is the Nissan Leaf, with a starting price of around $28,000. Other affordable electric car models include the Hyundai Ioniq Electric, the Chevrolet Bolt, and the Kia Soul EV.

What electric cars are under $20,000?

1. Nissan Leaf

2. Chevrolet Bolt

3. Toyota Prius Prime

4. Honda Clarity

5. Kia Niro EV

6. Hyundai Ioniq Electric

7. Volkswagen e-Golf

8. Ford Focus Electric

9. Mini Electric

10. BMW i3